Saturday, February 11, 2012

How To Fight The Signs Of Aging With Basic Skin Care Techniques

The signs of aging first appear on the skin & without basic skin care, you can not very resist them from appearing abruptly. The skin is a tender yet the most abused organ in the body. It bears all the pressure from the environment right from the days you were a kid. The face is the place where most of the age signs show up. So to keep it pretty, glowing & youthful, basic skin care is must.

The first thing about basic skin care, of the face is regular cleansing. Before beginning the cleansing action, try to pat your face with a chilled towel & then slowly apply the cleanser in circular motions pointing upwards. After allowing it to accept some time, splash your face with chilled water & pat dry with a towel.

The next important thing of basic skin care is regular use of moisturizer. It helps the skin to retain moisture for long. Without moisture, the skin becomes dry & develops wrinkles, lines, cracks & black spots. Regular application of moisturizer, while going to bed at night, allows it to act on the skin for long results.

Another important aspect of basic skin care is use of soap & scrubbing. Your body produces natural oils that keep it glowing. You need the soap to cleanse the body & not to scrub it. Scrubbing is important & this is best done with a bath puff. Regular scrubbing removes dead cells from the skin & accumulated dirt & makes your skin look & feel refreshingly different.

So in the event you need youthful & shiny skin, give your skin the basic care it deserves.

ANT-AGING:The Fear of Aging Not So Gracefully Anti Aging

We start to think about anti aging products because when it comes to aging, plenty of men and ladies feel that they won't age so gracefully. Time spent in the sun with no sunscreen as a kid, those late night parties as a young adult and the never ending nights spent worrying about financial troubles, trial and tribulations can all wreak havoc on the skin and the body. This leads the aging person to the use of antiaging products in hopes of combating Sister Nature.

Anti-aging products work in of ways, either internally or externally. The internal products are often offered in supplement form while the outside antiaging products can be bought as lotions, and creams. These lotion and creams work in a similar manner to the internal antiaging supplements and often contain plenty of of the same ingredients.

Outside anti-aging products often use the same vitamins and minerals prepared in lotion or cream form. These products are much more pronounced in that they are often marketed toward a sure area of the body. There's facial creams, eye creams, hand creams and all over body creams that claim to hold antiaging qualities. These products have often not been tested by the FDA, but have shown a positive effect on overall skin health in studies held by the manufacturers of the products.

Internal antiaging products are formulated from vitamins, minerals and nutrients known to have a negative effect on free radicals in the body. These free radicals collect over time due to environmental pollution and internal cellular processes. Vitamins and minerals can be used in supplement form to negate the effects of these free radicals and thus repairing the skin at a cellular level. This skin repair may make the skin appear fuller and more youthful in appearance.

When it comes to antiaging and fighting that fear of aging brought on by the adding years in our lives, there's lots of choices for renewing the look and feel of the skin of the body. The skin is often the first part of our bodies that is seen and thus the part that tends to be the focused on when anti aging products are produced and marketed. Anti aging products will certainly hydrate the skin and diminish the effects of the appearance of aging through a renewed outer layer of protection.

How To Be An Ageless Beauty today

The idea of ageless beauty has undergone tremendous transformation over the ages. Protagonists of beauty have tried to report ageless beauty with different approaches. There is ample testimony to this in the works of art, literature & history. However, thing is very sacrosanct. It is feasible to defy aging & be an ageless beauty with proper skincare, anti-aging make-up & use of supplements.

The first signs of aging show up on the skin. It is there where the wrinkles, lines & spots appear. Aging makes the skin dry & lose its natural elasticity. Proper skin care can restore these deficiencies to a great extent. Regular cleaning, use of moisturizers, protection from sunrays & use of sunscreens are very important.

Ageless beauty minus supplements can not very be imagined. Vitamins, dietary minerals, herbal ingredients, fatty acids & protein supplements help the body & the skin get vital nutrients that are otherwise not available through diets. Moreover, they help the body to quickly recoup the ingredients that gradually become unavailable in the body due to aging. , they improve the collagen & oil secretion in the skin which makes it more firm & shiny. Yes, you can be an ageless beauty. check out your skincare, anti-aging make-up & supplements & feel the difference.

Without anti-aging make-up, ageless beauty is very impossible. Some changes that happen to the skin with aging are irreversible. Only anti-aging make-up can help cover these areas. The make-up can help cover lines & spots on the skin & highlight drooping areas to give the appearance of an ideal ageless beauty. Eyeshades, lipsticks, foundations are the anti-aging make-ups to look out for.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I can't sleep and I work in a few hours, should I stay up or just lay in bed or something else?

you need to take a birth,and relax your body in cool place .don't allow anybody to disturb you at your resting bed ,avoid noisy thing .

Can you feel pain in your sleep?

When you are sleeping do you know  where you are ,the person is like a dead person. You cannot feel pain when you are sleeping.if you take some pain killer when you woke up you will not be filling it at was before .but remember it depend on the type of problem the person have .

Winter Depression: How Do You Know If You Have It?

We all have those days when we feel more down than usual, but how do you know if you're just having a bad day or suffering from something more serious, like winter depression? More people start to get depressed during the winter months than you may realize and, though the symptoms differ from person to person, there are a few warning signs to look out for.

Winter Depression Is Real

We all talk about having the "winter blues", yet most of us brush it off as something that's not "real". But getting depressed in the winter is real, and it's a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (shortened to SAD). The truth is that the levels of daylight we get affect our natural rhythms. In winter, they can go out of synch, causing a number of symptoms.

So What Are The Symptoms?

The symptoms of winter depression are extremely varied, and everyone will experience it differently. A few of the symptoms you may have include:
* Irritability,
* Feeling worthless, guilty, or having low self esteem,
* Crying a lot,
* Feeling anxious and stressed,
* Reduced sex drive,
* Feeling more tired than usual and sleeping more,
* Weight gain,
* Lack of energy,
* Increased appetite,
* Craving unhealthy food.

Another strong symptom, in addition to those above (most of which are also symptoms of depression in general) is finding that you get these symptoms at the same time each year. This is a clear sign that your depression is related to the winter season. The symptoms may slowly begin during autumn, and get worse into winter when the daylight hours decrease.

What Causes Winter Depression?

It can also help to be aware of the various causes of seasonal depression, to help determine whether you're at risk. There is no one cause, but there are known factors that contribute to the likelihood of developing it.

The levels of sunlight you get each day affect certain hormones in the brain. Some theories state that sunlight affects the hormones responsible for mood, sleep and appetite. This is why you may get some of the symptoms above when sunlight levels decrease.

Melatonin: Another factor related to light levels is the amount of melatonin our bodies produce. This is the hormone responsible for sleep, and more of it is produced when it's dark, causing us to feel sleepy.

Serotonin: When you get less sunlight, your body produces less serotonin. Serotonin affects your mood, sleep and appetite - people who are depressed tend to have less of this hormone.

Circadian Rhythm: This is responsible for our "internal clock" that lets us know when we need to sleep and wake up each day. This can get disrupted when the levels of sunlight we get every day change.

As you can see, winter depression is a very real condition that can affect many different areas of your life. You really aren't alone if you experience this kind of depression, and your doctor will be able to point out various treatment options.

Want To Lose Weight? Then Watch What You're Drinking!

Everyone knows that losing weight means cutting down on your calorie intake and burning more calories through exercise. However, many people fail to consider the impact that their drinks have on their weight loss goals. Drinks contain calories just like food, but some drinks can even hinder your weight loss efforts in other ways! Here's a guide to the main drink categories you need to watch while losing weight.


Many people are good at looking at their diet and knowing what they should and shouldn't eat, but don't take time to look at their alcohol consumption in the same way. Alcohol should be accounted for as part of your daily calorie allowance, so a couple for drinks a day will soon add up!

And they don't call it a "beer belly" for nothing: research has shown that alcohol can actually reduce the rate at which your body burns calories! It can also lead to some pretty unhealthy cravings, so it's important to be careful.

Coffee, Tea And Weight Loss

Some other drinks that many of us have every single day include coffee and tea. But are these helping or hindering your weight loss efforts? Studies have shown that any drinks containing caffeine can interfere with weight loss. The stimulation that occurs after you drink caffeine, whether from coffee, tea or even soda, really isn't good for cravings!

Many of us also even link the drinking of tea or coffee to eating a snack. In this case, even if the coffee itself isn't doing you any harm it's still encouraging your snacking habit, which isn't going to help you lose weight!

Many people drink green tea for weight loss. There's been a lot of hype over this drink in recent years, and studies have shown that green tea extract may help you to lose weight. However, drinking too much green tea means you'll still experience all the negative effects of caffeine listed above.


Many people switch their unhealthy sodas for juice when trying to lose weight, on the assumption that this is "healthy". While it's true that fruit juice does come with more health benefits than sugary drinks, you still have to be careful about how much you're drinking. Make sure you choose juice without added sugar and include the calories within your daily allowance. Try not to have huge amounts in one go, as you'll want to keep your blood sugar levels stable.


When you're trying to lose weight, it's vital that you drink enough water. Not only will you need this to keep you hydrated while you're working out, you'll also want to use it as a way to make losing weight easier. There's no miracle cure for losing weight, but water comes pretty close.

Did you know that what you think is hunger is often thirst? Drinking more water as standard every day can reduce those cravings that force you to overeat. And drinking a couple of glasses of water before each meal can help fill you up to prevent overeating. This makes it a lot easier to reduce your portion sizes!

The truth is that water is always best. If you're used to drinking coffee, sugary drinks, alcohol and soda, then gradually replacing them with water will help your weight loss efforts, even if you do nothing else!

The Benefits Of Choosing A Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan

People try a huge number of different diets in an effort to lose weight, one of which is a vegetarian weight loss diet plan. If you're looking to lose weight in this way then here's a quick guide to the various benefits and how to get started.

Improve Your Health

Studies show that vegetarians are more likely to have a healthy BMI - body mass index - and are less likely to suffer from obesity, coronary artery disease, some types of cancer, and hypertension. Why is it so healthy? Because vegetarians avoid meat (the main source of saturated fat in our diets), they often eat more polyunsaturated fat, and a lower amount of fat in total.

Although the word vegetarian is generally understood as someone who doesn’t eat meat or fish, there are other types of vegetarian that may still eat fish (pescetarian), or that may avoid all animals products including cheese and eggs (vegan).

Help The Environment

Although this isn't directly related to your weight or health, it's motivating to know that a vegetarian weight loss diet plan is good for the environment. Eating vegetables instead of meat, or even just reducing the meat you eat, will lower your carbon footprint! Why? Because the animals raised for meat also have to eat vegetables throughout their lives. Skip out the animals and eat the vegetables yourself and you'll be saving a lot of resources!

How To Get Started On A Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet

You don't have to go 100% vegetarian to benefit from a vegetarian weight loss diet plan. Simply cutting down on the amount of meat you eat can have a positive effect. For example, you may choose to eat meat three times a week and stick to a vegetarian diet the rest of the time. You can still eat similar portion sizes, but you'll find that you lose weight more easily as a vegetarian diet generally contains fewer calories.

While on a vegetarian diet, take care to ensure your diet is balanced. The main concern is usually that vegetarians don't get enough protein. This is unlikely to be true, as most meat eaters take in far more protein than they need - and an unhealthy form of protein at that. As long as you're eating plenty of legumes, beans and soy products, you should have the protein you need.

Remember, a vegetarian weight loss diet plan alone will not cause the weight to fall off. You'll have to keep track of calories and perform regular exercise if you're really serious about getting your weight down.

The Four Most Common Tinnitus Causes And How To Prevent Them

Tinnitus is a condition that leads to a constant ringing, whistling, buzzing or hissing sound in the ears. Although it may sound harmless enough, it can be extremely destructive, causing depression, stress, lack of sleep and even hearing problems. Why risk something that's so preventable? Here's a guide to four of the main tinnitus causes and how you can reduce your chances of developing the condition.

1) Reduce Noise Exposure

Noise exposure is one of the most common tinnitus causes today. Where tinnitus used to be a problem for older people, it's now affecting young people due to exposure from MP3 players, musical instruments, concerts and nightclubs. Ever had that ringing in your ears after a night out? This is a temporary form of tinnitus and shows that your ears have already been damaged.

The best way to prevent tinnitus is to reduce your exposure to noise. Turn down the volume on your MP3 player, and maybe even buy some noise canceling headphones so you can still hear your music clearly even through external noise. When you go to concerts, never stand next to the speakers. It can only take a single exposure to loud noise to cause tinnitus that sticks with you for life.

2) Wear Earplugs

If you still want to expose yourself to noise, don't let it do any more damage than it has to! If you're in a band, or regularly listen to loud music, you really should be protecting yourself with earplugs. Musicians earplugs are designed to maintain the sound quality while reducing the overall noise. But if you want the very best protection then go with custom moulded earplugs. They're very discreet and most people won't even know you're wearing them.

3) Check Your Medication

In some cases tinnitus may be caused by medication. Check any medication you're using for side effects. If tinnitus is one of them, have a talk with your doctor to see whether you can switch to medication that doesn't cause tinnitus (never stop taking medication before first consulting your doctor).

4) Protect Your Head

Another of the top tinnitus causes is head injury, and damage to the nerves that are responsible for hearing. If you partake in any activities that could lead to head injury, such as working in construction or regularly cycling, make sure you wear a helmet to keep yourself protected.

Unfortunately, most people don't take action to prevent the most common tinnitus causes until it's too late. If you're reading this and don't yet have a permanent ringing, take action to prevent it ever happening in future!

The 7 Main Home Teeth Whitening Risks And How To Avoid Them

Understandably, many of us are turning to home tooth whitening kits as a way to avoid the expense of visiting a professional. These kits make use of small tubes of bleaching solution, applied to the teeth for a set period of time. They are proven to work, and the effects can last for around six months at a time.

However, as with any at-home treatment, there are always dangers. Here's a guide to the main teeth whitening risks and how to avoid them.

What Are The Risks?

Although some people worry that the bleach contained in whitening products may damage the teeth and gums over the long term, the evidence suggests that they're safe to use. The main risk of at-home treatments is sensitivity in the teeth. In other words, you can find it painful to eat or drink hot or cold foods after treatment. In most cases this is temporary, but the severity varies from person to person.

How To Avoid The Side Effects

1) Always follow the instructions on the label. Never leave the product on your teeth for longer than the recommended time frame.

2) Pay attention to any sensitivity you may feel while the product is on your teeth. If they start getting sensitive, decrease the recommended treatment time, or even try avoiding it altogether for the next few days.

3) Start using toothpaste developed specifically for sensitive teeth if you experience an adverse reaction to the whitening product. Visit a dentist if it continues.

4) If you already suffer from sensitive teeth and/or gums, or any other dental issue, then it's important to speak to your doctor before you even begin any at-home whitening treatment.

5) Never use any teeth whitening product for a continuous period of over 14 days. It's important to give your teeth a break from the treatment to minimize teeth whitening risks. Only use the products once every six months at most.

6) Children under the age of 18 should not use whitening products while the teeth are still developing. Nor should pregnant or breastfeeding women.

7) If you need to whiten veneers, crowns, fillings or false teeth then whitening isn't the answer. Instead, contact your dentist who may replace them with lighter-colored versions.

Thankfully, home treatments use a much lower concentration of bleach than professional options. This helps to avoid any teeth whitening risks, as long as you're careful to follow instructions.

Understanding The Symptoms Of Depression

Although many of us may feel depressed from time to time, depression becomes an illness when this feeling lasts for over two weeks, and starts to interfere with everyday life. If you're trying to figure out whether you're just going through a low patch, or whether this could be something more serious, take a look at some of the most common symptoms of depression.

Signs That You May Be Depressed

Physical symptoms: Although many people consider depression as something affecting the mind, it does affect the body, too. As such, you can experience a whole range of symptoms from a lack of energy, to difficulty falling asleep, changes in your appetite, a loss of sexual desire, or even just aches and pains that you can't explain in any other way.

Mental symptoms: You may be a little more familiar with some of the mental symptoms. Some of the common ones include feelings of sadness, tearfulness, or even thoughts of suicide. Some other mental symptoms include a lack of interest in things you'd usually enjoy, low self esteem and indecisiveness.

Social life: Many people also find their social life suffering as a result of their depression. You may not want to spend as much time with others, or could find yourself struggling at work. It can be difficult to maintain regular friendships or hobbies when you have a lack of interest in day to day life activities.

Events leading to depression: While not symptoms of depression, looking at recent events in your life may help to explain your feelings. For example, you may have recently gone through a break up, or perhaps you're grieving from the loss of a loved one. Although you'll experience symptoms of depression, this kind of depression is different to the ongoing illness.

Remember, depression can range from mild to severe, so it may be obvious that you're suffering from it, or it may be that the realization that something's wrong gradually creeps up on you as you notice that your life isn't going quite “right”.

What Should You Do If You Think You're Depressed?

If you recognize any of these symptoms of depression in yourself, you should talk to a doctor about what you're going through. They will be able to direct you towards appropriate treatments, which can include a number of different self help measures.

Social Anxiety Test: Do You Have The Symptoms Of Social Phobia?

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful situations in life but, for some, anxiety can become a huge burden. If anxiety is changing the way you live your life, then you could be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Social anxiety (or social phobia) is the name for anxiety that occurs during social situations. Although there is no simple social anxiety test, there are a number of recognizable symptoms and feelings that can help you to work out what you’re dealing with.

Physical Social Anxiety Symptoms

Perhaps the easiest social anxiety test is to check for physical symptoms. Those with social anxiety may experience some of the following in social situations:

* Shaking,
* Blushing,
* Sweating,
* High blood pressure,
* Dry mouth,
* Nausea,
* Upset stomach,
* Palpitations,
* Tension in the muscles.

The trouble with these symptoms is that they could also represent a number of other conditions. This is why it’s important to think about what you’re doing when you get them, and how you are feeling emotionally.

Emotional Symptoms of Social Anxiety

As a social anxiety test, doctors may ask questions about your emotions and perceptions of yourself. Many people with social phobia claim that they fear being the centre of attention, are worried that they will look stupid or say something stupid, that they can’t keep up a conversation with others or that people will see the physical symptoms as a sign of weakness. In short, these emotional symptoms can lead to extreme difficulty during social situations, and increase the desire to avoid people.

Social Anxiety Vs. Shyness

Some people believe that social anxiety and shyness are the same thing, but this isn’t necessarily true. You’ll usually find that those with the condition are excessively shy to the point where it greatly interferes with social relationships with others. Many sufferers cannot shake off the negative feeling, and end up avoiding people as a result. Being shy, however, does not necessarily indicate social anxiety. Shyness can be a normal part of your personality, and doesn’t mean you will end up with social anxiety one day.

When to Seek Help

The fact that there is no certain social anxiety test may put some people off asking for help, for fear that they will be told there is nothing medically wrong with them. However, mental health issues such as social anxiety are gaining more and more recognition every day, and there are treatments available to you. It’s important that you talk to your doctor about what can be done to help both the physical and mental symptoms. You can be sure of one thing – there is help available for social anxiety.

Snoring Causes: 7 Of The Most Common

Snoring is an extremely common problem that may not necessarily affect those who do it, but can have a very negative effect on partners who are woken during the night. Snoring doesn't usually represent a serious health problem, and there are a wide variety of snoring causes. In general, the sound we hear from snoring comes about when air does not move freely through the air passages, causing the back of the mouth to vibrate. Here's a quick guide to the most common causes of this problem.

1) Being Overweight

One of the most common snoring causes is being overweight. This increases the chances that you'll snore due to extra fat around the neck and throat. Relaxed muscle tone in the area stops the air from flowing through the passages freely. This is more common for men than women, due to the way a man's body stores fat.

2) Alcohol and Medication

When you drink alcohol or take certain medicines, such as sleeping pills, the muscles in your body will relax. This includes the throat, mouth and nose, blocking the air passages and making them more likely to vibrate. Avoiding alcohol at least four hours before you go to bed can help ease the problem.

3) Smoking

Smoking irritates the nasal cavity and throat linings, causing swelling and congestion. In turn this decreases airflow and makes it difficult to breathe through your nose. The more you smoke, the more congested you will become.

4) Your Sleeping Position

Another of the most common snoring causes is down to sleeping position. Some people may snore when they lie on their back, and not when they lie on their side. This position causes your tongue to fall backwards, blocking the airways.

5) Allergies

Allergies are becoming increasingly common and cause a number of symptoms such as nasal congestion (which leads to snoring). There are various treatments available depending on the specific allergies you may suffer from.

6) Breathing Through The Mouth

If you breathe through your mouth when you're asleep then you're far more likely to snore, due to the way the air enters and hits the back of the mouth. There are ways to train yourself to breathe through your nose, including specialist devices.

7) A Mixture Of Causes

Many people find a mixture of factors behind their snoring. It may be a combination of the above causes, or other less common factors could be at work.

Snoring treatment always starts with understanding the reason why you do it in the first place. In most cases treatment can begin at home once you've determined your snoring causes. If the problem won't go away then it's important to visit a doctor for advice.

Natural Cosmetic Products: Things To Consider When You're Out Shopping

Horror stories in the media about the toxic ingredients contained in many of our beauty products may lead you to want to stop buying cosmetics altogether! However, if you put a little effort into becoming more aware of what you're buying, you can help to protect your health with natural cosmetic products.

Unfortunately it can be hard to know just what is and what isn't good for you, but try to bear these simple steps in mind and you will be well on the way.

Never Trust Claims on the Packaging: Unfortunately packaging can be very deceptive, which is why you should do your best never to trust claims such as 'natural', 'organic' (unless it comes with the organic seal) or 'dermatologist tested'. True, in some cases these might mean something and they really will be natural cosmetic products, but in most cases they are there just to get you to buy and don't truly represent the ingredients.

Always Check the Ingredients: Checking the ingredients is the only real way to know what's in the product. This can be difficult at first, as the chances are that you won't have heard of many of the substances listed, but you'll slowly learn with time. Look out for any poison symbols and warnings, as these are a very good sign that chemicals are involved!

Minimize the Use of Fragrances: The word 'fragrance' is found on so much packaging, but what does this really mean? Fragrances are often made of toxic chemicals, but the problem is that we don't know exactly which chemicals they will include. There are more than 5,000 different fragrances used in beauty and cosmetic products, and not all of the chemicals will be listed on the label. Since fragrances are massive culprits for allergic reactions, and may also contain other harmful ingredients known as Phthalates, it's best to go for fragrance-free products wherever possible.

Think Simpler: Once you start to learn more about the ingredients contained in cosmetic products it'll probably become a lot easier to simplify your beauty regime. You may have many different products that all claim to do similar things - why not cut down? Once you start getting used to natural cosmetic products and beauty practices, you'll also find that simple household ingredients can do a great job, and you may even feel as though you can go without some of your beauty products altogether.

Regulations to Protect Our Health: Some authorities are starting to clamp down on the ingredients cosmetic manufacturers can or cannot use. Whilst you can never rely on regulations to protect you completely, it is useful to know how they are coming into place. Check the laws and regulations in your country, or on your local government website, for more information.

It isn't easy when you're first getting started with natural cosmetic products, and there is a lot to learn. Just take it one step at a time and learn about new ingredients as you come across them. You'll soon remember which products to avoid, and which won't harm your health.

Learning How Not To Worry: Breaking The Habit

Learning how not to worry is something many of us wish we could do. The truth is, we can. Although worry is inevitable in some situations, most of us worry far more than we need to. Worry has simply become a habit and, like all habits, it can be broken!

Understand Whether Worrying Can Be Productive

There are two types of worry. The first is the kind of worry that's good for us, that makes sure we take care of things we need to. The second kind of worry is just a waste of time and leads to mental exhaustion - this is the kind of worry over things that we have no control over.

Think carefully about what you're worrying about. Learning how not to worry means learning how to differentiate between the two types of worry. If it IS something you can do something about, make sure you take steps to do that. If you sit there doing nothing you'll only keep worrying. If you know you've done all that you can, and there's nothing more you can do, keep telling that to yourself to put it out of your mind.

Set Aside Dedicated Worry Time

If you find that you've got a lot of things on your mind, and they are legitimate things to worry about, try setting aside dedicated time every day to do the worrying. This could mean waiting until your partner is home from work so you can discuss productive solutions together, or it could simply mean taking half an hour to worry each day so that you'll feel a little better ignoring your worries later on.

Catch Yourself When You're Worrying

Learning how not to worry isn't always easy - many of us get carried away with worrying without even noticing! Sometimes we can be doing one thing and suddenly find our thoughts wandering, or we start looking up things on the internet related to our worry. Unless this is going to do something to solve a problem, it's a waste of time.

But how do you catch yourself? It is going to take practice. If you find yourself worrying at work, put a post-it on your computer or your desk. It doesn't have to say "stop worrying" - it could be as simple as a picture of a smiley face to remind you to take control of your thoughts again. You also need to be actively looking for worrying thoughts. You won't always catch worry out quickly, but you'll gradually catch yourself sooner and sooner.

Remember, learning how not to worry takes practice. At first you might not think that these strategies are working, but with practice you'll find that taking your mind away from your worries is easier and easier.

Ginkgo Biloba and Tinnitus: A Possible Cure?

Talk to any doctor about tinnitus - ringing in the ears - and you're likely to hear those fateful words: "there is no cure". There's nothing you can do for your tinnitus except learn to manage and cope with it - learn to tune it out. Why, then, are companies marketing specific herbal remedies for this common condition? What is the link between ginkgo biloba and tinnitus?

What Is Ginkgo Biloba?

Ginkgo biloba herbal remedies are taken from the tree of the same name. This extract has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine, and is commonly used in the Western world to enhance blood flow through the body. As such, it is used to treat or prevent a number of conditions related to the brain, including memory loss, Alzheimer's and dementia. It's also commonly used by tinnitus sufferers.

Has The Link Between Ginkgo Biloba And Tinnitus Been Proven?

As with many herbal treatments, more studies are needed to prove the link between ginkgo biloba and tinnitus. There have been some studies into its effects, however, which seem to suggest that it works no better than a placebo. The British Tinnitus Association (BTA), for example, found no noticeable effects on a study of 2000 tinnitus sufferers.

Should You Take It?

Despite the fact that studies suggest that ginkgo as ineffective as a treatment for tinnitus, it's not quite that simple. For one, many people swear by the remedy in helping to improve the symptoms. The BTA also claim that it has helped to improve general wellbeing in a number of patients which, in turn, has left them in a better state to manage and deal with their tinnitus psychologically.

Keeping yourself well, both in body and mind, it essential to fighting tinnitus. The more run down you get, the more likely it is that you'll focus on the ringing and the detrimental effect it has on your life. Staying healthy, through the use of safe natural supplements such as ginkgo biloba, is useful for keeping your tinnitus under control.

You should always check with a doctor before using any form of herbal supplement, as even natural treatments come with side effects and may interact with other medicine. That said, the main drawback of ginkgo biloba is the cost. Most tinnitus organizations recommend you try it if you can afford it; if you find it helps in any way, then keep using it to manage your tinnitus.

5 Free Weight Loss Tips: What You'll Need To Get Started On Your Goal

When it comes to free weight loss tips, it's not the "magic cures" that you should pay attention to, it's the real, solid advice that will set you on a healthy track for the rest of your life. And when you're starting a new weight loss goal, anything that'll make things easier on yourself is worth trying. With that in mind, here are 5 steps you should take at the start of your weight loss journey.

1) Buy A Scale: This is the first of the free weight loss tips and it's a very important one. You'll need to keep a scale not only to keep track of your weight, but also scales for the kitchen to weigh out proper portions of food. Many of us overeat when we don't strictly measure our portions!

2) Find Support: If you can find an exercise and/ or dieting buddy then you'll have support to continue even when things are at their most difficult. Studies show that dieting alongside someone else makes it a lot easier to meet your targets and set up healthy new habits. If there really isn't anyone who wants to join you, one of the best free weight loss tips is to at least confide in others and share specific goals that will keep yourself accountable.

3) Get A Notepad: You need a notepad to note down the foods you're eating, and even the exercises you're doing if that helps. Although it can be tedious, knowing exactly what goes into your body helps you to improve things little by little. You can also use your notepad as a place to vent if you're feeling frustrated, and to reinforce your goals to help motivate you to continue.

4) Go Through Your Cabinets: If you're going to be dieting then you don't want to have temptation all around you in your home. So go through all your cabinets and get rid of food that will lead you astray and won't serve you well. Then go shopping and buy plenty of healthy snacks, like fruit, that you can have on hand whenever you're feeling peckish.

5) Choose An Exercise Program: Now that you've got everything else sorted, it's time to work out the kind of exercise you want to do. Although you'll have to make sacrifices and sometimes do things you won't enjoy, you can cater your exercise to what feels best for you. This could mean starting by walking every day, or running x amount of miles on the treadmill. Whatever you do, make sure you put it into a solid plan!

First Trimester Pregnancy Health Tips: What To Do About All Those Symptoms

First trimester pregnancy health tips are always so varied thanks to the fact that everyone experiences pregnancy differently, both physically and emotionally. One thing's for sure, though: just because your bump may not be visible to anyone else, it's certainly making a noticeable impact on your life even in the earliest stages!

Dealing With Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is one of the most commonly reported symptoms during a first trimester pregnancy, probably due to the fact that your body is going through so many hormonal changes. It can actually last all day, and can be very bad for some women. To help improve things you should drink plenty of water, and avoid fatty foods. It goes without saying that you'll want to avoid anything that makes you feel sick by simply thinking about it or smelling it! You can also try candied ginger or ginger tablets to help you feel better. If you can't keep anything down, including liquids, then it's vital that you consult a doctor.

Tender Breasts

One of the earliest first trimester pregnancy symptoms, even before missing a period, can be a feeling of tenderness in the breasts. They're simply preparing to produce milk for your baby, but this can be quite uncomfortable for you. Try wearing a supportive bra to ease discomfort.

Increased Urination

As the uterus starts to press on your bladder you may find that you need to urinate more often. This could be inconvenient, or even make it difficult to sleep as you wake up to urinate during the night. To help prevent this, drink less in the evenings and try to reduce your caffeine intake. Always go when you feel the need, however, as this will help prevent a urinary tract infection.

Mood Swings

Most women will find their emotions fluctuating when they’re pregnant. This is a combination of factors, from changing hormones to the increased responsibility and financial pressures to come. If you're anxious about something in particular, such as labor, then get informed and ask questions. If you're generally feeling low, then try sleeping longer, eating healthier foods, taking a walk or simply talking it through with your partner.

Other Symptoms During The First Trimester And Beyond

Pregnancy symptoms aren't limited to those listed above - far from it! Other common symptoms include heartburn, a sore back, difficulty sleeping and headaches. Every woman is different and you may experience very few symptoms, or less well-known symptoms such as bleeding gums, carpal tunnel, leg cramps, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It isn't easy being pregnant!

Visiting Your Health Care Provider

When you first discover that you're pregnant, it's important to visit your health care provider. They will go through a number of areas with you to help assess your health and to work out whether any current medication could harm the baby. They will also give you some tips on watching your health, and schedule regular appointments with you throughout the pregnancy. You should let them know if you're concerned about any of your first trimester pregnancy symptoms.

Exploring The Top 5 Causes Of Insomnia

Although we all have trouble drifting off to sleep from time to time, it can cause more stress for some than others. Insomnia occurs when you regularly have a problem either getting to sleep, or staying asleep long enough to feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning.

Although you might assume insomnia is just an unlucky condition in itself, it's usually a symptom of something else. This is why it's vital you understand the causes of insomnia and visit a doctor to rule out something more serious.

1) Stress

We've all probably experienced short term stress-related insomnia at some point in our lives. You just can't get to sleep as you have a thousand thoughts and worries running through your mind. For some, however, the insomnia stays even when the stress has gone. Some people learn to associate their bed or trying to get to sleep with being stressed or feeling “awake”.

2) Anxiety And Other Mental Health Issues

Anxiety disorders will often leave people staying awake at night, either due to physical or mental symptoms. Other causes of insomnia include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and others. Treatment of the underlying condition will often help with the insomnia.

3) Medication

Believe it or not, even sleep medication can be one of the causes of insomnia once we become dependent on using it. However, there are a whole range of other prescription medications that can make a difference - from antidepressants to hormone treatments and high blood pressure medication. It's always a good idea to discuss any medication with your doctor to make sure it's not the cause of your sleepless nights.

4) Underlying Conditions

There are a whole host of physical conditions known to be causes of insomnia. This is why you shouldn't just assume it's in your head and that you can treat yourself. It could be a sign of something more serious, so take the time out to visit your doctor to rule other problems out.

5) Drugs

Lastly, we all know that stimulants such as caffeine can keep us awake. But you may not realize that alcohol also negatively effects sleep, despite the fact that we initially feel sleepy and relaxed when we drink it. You should try to avoid these drinks before bedtime if you want to have the best sleep possible.

Remember, although you may recognize one of these causes of insomnia instantly, it's still vital that you talk to your doctor before diagnosing yourself.

5 Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety

If you regularly feel anxious or stressed it can manifest itself in many different ways, including muscle tension, headaches, chest pain and more. This is why relaxation techniques for anxiety are such an important way to relieve the tension and help your mind to feel more calm. Here are five top relaxation ideas.

1) Diaphragmatic Breathing: When we feel anxious we may start to hyperventilate, taking very shallow breaths. This is why one of the best relaxation techniques for anxiety is to breathe using the full capacity of your lungs. To do this, imagine that you're breathing into your stomach instead of your chest. Your stomach should rise and fall each time you breathe in and out.

2) Visualization: Visualization is a good way of taking your mind away from whatever it is that's making you feel anxious, and training it to feel more relaxed even during situations where you wouldn't normally feel relaxed. Visualize, in detail, sights, sounds, smells and feelings that you would feel if you were in a location that made you feel relaxed and comfortable, like when you're on vacation.

3) Hypnosis: There are a number of hypnosis relaxation guides available in MP3 form. These will help to guide your mind away from thoughts that leave you feeling stressed or anxious, and can help take you through certain methods to help your body relax, such as progressive muscle relaxation. You can find many of these for free or low cost on the internet or as an app for your smartphone. Make sure you choose one related to your specific issue. For example, there are hypnosis MP3s available for social phobia if your anxiety comes up during social situations, or you could choose hypnosis designed to help you sleep better if your anxiety is increased due to a lack of sleep.

4) Timed Breathing: If you're stressed and try to breathe deeply you may find it difficult and actually start to hyperventilate. Instead of trying to breathe deeply, for quick relaxation before or during anxious moments you can try timing your breathing. For example, try breathing in for a count of five, and out for a count of 7. Extending your out-breath is shown to help relax your body's nervous system, and the counting gives you something else to focus your mind on.

5) Improve Your Sleep: Although it's not a relaxation technique in the same sense as those above, getting enough sleep is important for keeping you feeling physically and mentally relaxed. When you don't get enough sleep you may start to feel anxious, and vice versa. Some tips include writing down any worries on a piece of paper before you go to sleep to help get them out of your mind. You should also avoid caffeine, and take exercise early on in the day.

Establishing a routine helps to make sleep a lot easier. Make sure you go to bed at roughly the same time each day, don't perform activities such as watching TV or using your laptop in bed, and try to wake up at the same time each day. These tips, in conjunction with practicing the relaxation techniques for anxiety mentioned above, will help to ensure you're feeling calm and relaxed throughout the day.

The Benefits Of Exercising: 10 Reasons Why You Should Make Fitness Your New Year's Resolution

We all know about certain benefits of exercising - above all, that it's good for us. But this isn't always enough to get us motivated into actually doing it. If you're looking for a little inspiration to get started on your new year's resolution then here are 10 reasons why exercise can improve your life.

1) More Energy: Although exercise in itself may be tiring, one of the major benefits of exercising is the fact that it'll ultimately leave you feeling more energized. Studies have shown that regular exercise helps to reduce fatigue.

2) Increase Your Mood: Every time you exercise your body will release endorphins that help to make you feel good. Exercise really will give you a natural high!

3) Improve Your Health: There are so many health benefits of losing weight that it's impossible to list them all here! By getting fit you'll reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and much more.

4) Improve Your Appearance: If being overweight or not being toned leaves you feeling unhappy about yourself then losing weight can help you to look and feel better.

5) Play With Your Kids: It takes a lot of energy to keep up with your kids. By losing weight and getting fit, you'll be able to run around with them without constantly getting out of breath. This can be one of the most rewarding benefits of exercising: it helps you to enjoy life more.

6) Sleep Better: When you exercise more you'll start to find it easier to get a good night's rest. This adds to the energy boost that you'll get from exercise in the long term.

7) Increase Your Strength and Stamina: Do you find it hard to go on long walks, even though you want to? Or maybe even carrying shopping bags up the stairs is a struggle? Exercise more and you'll eventually be able to handle these activities with ease.

8) Reduce Stress: Exercise can hugely reduce stress levels. If you regularly suffer from stress - or even mental heath issues such as depression and anxiety - regular exercise can help to reduce your symptoms.

9) A Sense Of Achievement: When you start to exercise and see the improvements you're making week on week, you'll really get the feeling that you've achieved something worthwhile!

10) Keep Your Independence Later In Life: The more you can exercise now, while you're still able, the more you can reduce the impact of certain health problems later in life. In short, keeping fit and healthy will help you to keep your independence as late into life as possible.

So how much will you need to work out to feel these benefits of exercising? That all depends on your current fitness levels. The good news is that just 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough to improve your health drastically. So what are you waiting for?!

Antibacterial Cleaners: Can They Do More Harm Than Good?

The chances are that you probably own antibacterial cleaners, whether they are in the form of hand soap or cleaners for your kitchen and bathroom. But are these cleaners actually doing more harm than good?

Why Do We Need to Kill Bacteria?

It’s true that some bacteria can cause disease, illness and food poisoning. Many antibacterial cleaners promise to kill around 99% of bacteria, which helps to explain why they are so popular. After all, we all want to protect ourselves and our family from getting ill.

So Why Are Antibacterial Cleaners Bad for Our Health?

Unfortunately, antibacterial cleaners aren’t as good for us as they may seem. In the short term, their ingredients are known to irritate the skin (this is more of a problem with those that have been developed for cleaning purposes).

The FDA is currently looking into one of the major ingredients of antibacterial soaps: triclosan. Although the evidence isn't yet clear, it suggests it may have a harmful effect on humans (especially children). In the past, the FDA has also stated that there are no extra health benefits to using antibacterial soaps over regular soap and water.

Another long term result of using antibacterial products is that they make bacteria more resistant. This means that, over time, these antibacterial products will no longer be able to kill the germs they set out to kill in the first place.

The truth is that you don’t need to make your home sterile to protect yourself and your family. Bacteria is all around us, and being exposed to small amounts of it is what our body needs in order to build up its defenses against stronger bacteria. Studies have shown that sterile environments in childhood can actually lead to more allergies and other problems later in life.

The American Medical Associated (AMA) has warned against extensive use of such antibacterial cleaners for these reasons. When it comes to killing germs, simple measures like washing your hands often (with traditional rather than antibacterial soap) are a good way to protect against germs.


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